HMO Tenants, Moving In

At Cairn before letting an HMO we meet all tenants that will stay in the property and implement an industry-standard vetting procedure that includes a credit check, employment and prior landlord references. We ensure that all our tenants are reliable whilst ensuring guarantors are in place as well as undertaking a fully comprehensive property inventory at the beginning.

All tenants must be educated on how to live in an HMO property before moving in to ensure a smooth tenancy. Our move-in tenant training includes:

  • What to do in a fire?
  • How to test smoke/carbon monoxide alarms.
  • Electrical Safety.
  • How to use all appliances.
  • Neighbour consideration.
  • How to comply with HMO safety requirements.
  • Meter readings are taken at this point.
  • We set up council tax, gas and electricity accounts.
  • Smoking is not permitted in any of our properties.

During the tenancy

Cairn inspects every HMO property quarterly throughout the tenancy ensuring it is kept to a satisfactory standard, with a quarterly report being recorded for each property. We note and photograph any cleaning, repair and maintenance that is required and we repeat fire safety training throughout the duration of the lease in particular updating our tenants on safety measures or any new legislation.

HMO Tenants, Moving out

Cairn completes the pre-move-out inspection of your property before you move out, recording any maintenance, damage or cleaning work required before releasing your deposit in association with Safe Deposit Scotland. Meter Readings will also be taken here before we close down tenant-liable utility accounts.

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Portobello, Selling

How Much is My Property Worth? – Portobello Edition

How Much is My Property Worth? – Portobello Edition If you’re lucky enough to own a piece of the picturesque Portobello, you might find yourself wondering, “How much is my property worth?” With its charming seaside vibe and close proximity to Edinburgh, Portobello is a sought-after location. Let’s delve into the key factors that determine property values in Portobello and how you can get an accurate valuation with Cairn. Location: The Beachfront Advantage Portobello’s location is a massive selling point. Situated just a stone’s throw from Edinburgh, this coastal suburb offers the perfect blend of beachside tranquillity and city convenience. According to Rightmove, the average house price in Portobello is around £340,000. Properties with sea views or proximity to the beach naturally fetch higher prices, thanks to the serene environment and beautiful scenery. Local Amenities and Community Spirit Portobello is not just about the beach; it boasts a vibrant community with fantastic amenities. From artisan shops to comfy cafes and the beloved Portobello Promenade, there’s plenty to attract buyers. The community spirit here is strong, with frequent local events and a welcoming atmosphere. Homes near popular spots like the Portobello Swim Centre or those along the promenade are particularly desirable. Market Trends: Riding the Wave The property market in Portobello has been riding a wave of popularity. According to Rightmove, prices have seen a significant rise over the past few years, with an annual increase reflecting the area’s growing appeal. The demand for seaside living, combined with easy access to Edinburgh, has driven up property values. Staying updated with these trends can help you understand the best time to buy or sell. Property Condition: Spick and Span The condition of your property is a key factor in its valuation. Is your home a pristine palace or in need of a facelift? Well-maintained properties with modern amenities and recent renovations will command higher prices. Remember, buyers love move-in-ready homes where they can envision themselves without the hassle of major repairs or updates. Get Professional Help: Call Cairn! Let’s be honest: while online tools and DIY guesses might give you an estimate, nothing beats a professional valuation. Cairn’s team of experts knows the Portobello market inside out. They provide comprehensive valuation services that consider every little detail to ensure you get the most accurate value for your property. Why Choose Cairn? Local Expertise: Cairn’s deep knowledge of Portobello’s property market gives you the edge in getting a precise valuation. Comprehensive Services: From valuation to sale, Cairn offers end-to-end services, ensuring a seamless experience. Free Valuation Services: Cairn provides free valuation services, so you can get an accurate assessment with no obligations. Understanding the value of your property in Portobello involves more than a quick guess. Location, local amenities, market trends, and property condition all play crucial roles. With the property market on the rise, getting a professional valuation from Cairn can ensure you’re making the most informed decisions. So, if you’re ready to discover your property’s true worth, don’t hesitate. Contact Cairn today for a free, no-obligation valuation. Visit our valuation services page to learn more and get started on the journey to unlocking your property’s potential. In the end, knowing your property’s worth in Portobello can feel like having a beachfront treasure. So go ahead, take the first step, and get your valuation today!

Edinburgh, HMO Properties

5 Things You Need to Know About HMO in Edinburgh in 2024

5 Things You Need to Know About HMO in Edinburgh in 2024 Navigating the world of HMOs (Houses in Multiple Occupation) in Edinburgh can be a daunting task. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a first-time landlord, understanding the intricacies of HMO properties is crucial. In 2024, the HMO landscape continues to evolve, and having the right information at your fingertips is essential. Here are five key things you need to know about HMOs in Edinburgh this year. The Demand for HMO Properties is Soaring Edinburgh is home to a vibrant student population, with several renowned universities attracting students from around the globe. According to, a whopping 70% of students live in privately rented accommodations. This statistic underscores the ever-growing demand for HMO properties in the city. Investing in HMOs can be a smart move, but it’s not just about finding tenants. You’ll need to ensure your property meets the specific needs of students and young professionals. Comfort, affordability, and location are key factors that can make your HMO stand out in a competitive market. Understanding HMO Licensing is Crucial Before diving into the HMO market, it’s important to grasp the licensing requirements. In Edinburgh, any property rented out to three or more tenants from different families requires an HMO licence. The application process can be detailed and stringent, involving inspections and compliance with safety standards. Here at Cairn, we offer comprehensive HMO Application Guidance to help landlords navigate this process. Our expertise ensures your property meets all legal requirements, making the licensing journey smoother. The Importance of Compliance and Safety Compliance isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s about ensuring the safety and well-being of your tenants. Recent changes in HMO regulations emphasise the importance of fire safety, electrical checks, and adequate living conditions. Regular inspections are mandatory, and failing to comply can result in hefty fines or even licence revocation. Our Property Management Services include regular property inspections, fire safety training, and maintenance to ensure your HMO stays compliant. Our proactive approach helps landlords avoid potential pitfalls and keeps tenants safe and happy. Market Trends: Student Accommodation The student accommodation market in Edinburgh is dynamic, with trends constantly shifting. According to recent data from, there has been a 5% annual increase in student rental demand. This trend is expected to continue, driven by the city’s expanding university enrolments and international student intake. Staying abreast of these trends can help you tailor your HMO to meet market demands. For example, properties located near university campuses or with easy access to public transportation are highly sought after. Investing in amenities like high-speed internet and communal study areas can also enhance the appeal of your HMO. Partnering with an HMO Specialist Managing an HMO property involves more than just collecting rent. It requires ongoing maintenance, tenant management, and staying updated with legal requirements. This is where partnering with an HMO specialist like Cairn can make all the difference. Our extensive experience in the Edinburgh property market makes us the go-to experts for HMO management. Our tailored services, from HMO application guidance to full property management, are designed to maximise your investment returns while ensuring compliance and tenant satisfaction. Our client testimonials speak volumes about our commitment to excellence and proactive property management approach. Why Choose Cairn? Choosing Cairn as your HMO partner means investing in a relationship built on trust and expertise. Our deep understanding of the Edinburgh property market, coupled with our comprehensive range of services, ensures your HMO investment is in capable hands. From navigating complex regulations to managing day-to-day operations, we offer a turnkey approach to HMO management. For more insights into how we can assist you with your HMO property, explore our HMO Letting Management and HMO Development Services pages. Navigating the HMO market in Edinburgh can be complex, but armed with the right knowledge and support, it can also be incredibly rewarding. Understanding the demand, licensing requirements, and market trends are essential steps towards a successful HMO investment. By partnering with specialists like Cairn, you ensure that your investment is not only compliant but also optimised for maximum returns. For anyone considering entering the HMO market or looking to streamline their existing HMO operations, we offer the expertise and personalised service to help you succeed. Dive into the world of HMO with confidence, knowing that Cairn is by your side, guiding you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your HMO property.

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