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Cairn’s Estate Agent tips for selling your house

The arrival of Easter marks the unofficial start of the property year and gets the market moving.

If you are keen to put your property on the market this year now is the time to look at your property with a fresh pair of eyes. Chances are a spring clean is in order.

First impressions count and a tidy exterior can help your home to stand out. Mowing your lawn and getting rid of any junk in your garden will quickly transform outside space. A fresh layer of gravel will instantly improve the look of paths and driveways too.

You can arrange to have large items collected by most local councils – useful for getting rid of goods both outside and in the home. Consider using Gumtree and local sales networks too, getting some cash for your old goods is always a bonus.

It’s easy to add some spring colour to your garden with some potted plants. Garden centres will have Easter offers and if you’re not sure what to choose their staff will be able to help you.

Both indoors and out your watchwords should be clean, tidy and uncluttered. Clean your windows inside and out. This makes a big impact and will maximise the light too.

When decluttering get rid of bigger items first. This will give you room to work and make your progress more evident. Work methodically and create piles of things to sell or take to charity shops, things to recycle and things headed for the bin. Make sure to take them there before moving on, a messy house will demotivate you.

Consider using self storage as a short term solution to free up space. Items like Christmas decorations and winter sports gear can be stored away easily and most self storage offer a variety of sizes of space.

When you have cleaned and tidied our top tip is to run a mock viewing. Ask a neighbour or friend to ‘view’ the house and point out anything you might be able to improve.

If you are looking for an estate agent or would like advice on investing in property please do get in touch.

If you have any questions about this or any other matter you can get in touch with Cairn several ways. Through our website, via email, or by calling us on: 0141 270 7879.

In addition you’ll find us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn where our staff will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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