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Demolishing The Red Road Flats, A Celebration Or An Insult?

At Cairn we like to keep our finger on the pulse of all that’s happening in the property industry, whether it be buying, letting, or investing. However we also keep a close eye on what’s going on close to home, and there’s one story in particular that’s really caught our eye in the last week.

For over 50 years the Glasgow skyline has been dominated by what was once the highest living accommodation in Europe, the Red Road Flats.

For years the flats in the east end of the city have been lying abandoned, derelict, and occupied by the likes of squatters.

Despite being earmarked for demolition, the huge structures are looked upon fondly by those who grew up in and around them, seeming to evoke a plethora of emotions from locals.

Last week these emotions were laid bare when it was announced their demolition would form part of the opening ceremony for the Glasgow Commonwealth Games this summer.

Council leader, Gordon Matheson, and those involved with the games have trumpeted this as a huge turning point for the city, giving it an opportunity to show the millions watching the ceremony around the world that Glasgow is a city of regeneration.

However many are opposed to its inclusion in the ceremony.

Many locals have seen its inclusion as inappropriate and insensitive, celebrating the destruction of countless memories and some of Glasgow’s most iconic buildings.

And according to an article on the Guardian, pressure is mounting on the organisers to rethink their plans and pull the demolition from the programme as a petition has begun doing the rounds:

“more than 3,100 people had signed a petition to Shona Robison, the Scottish government minister responsible, insisting that the flats should be “demolished with dignity” out of respect for what will be a poignant moment for those who had lived there.”

It’s clear there’s a lot of emotion attached to the flats and that blowing them up as part of a ‘celebration’ is a but ill-judged. What do you think; is this a great way to open the Games, or a crude and offensive addition to what will be a great occasion for the city? We’d love to hear your opinion.

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