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Meet The Team – David Rowand – Managing Director

Describe your role in one sentence your role at Cairn. – As MD, I sleep eat and breathe Cairn as the owner you never switch off, my role is to ensure the business is meeting its strategic targets set out by the management team.

What is your proudest business achievement ? – Proudest business achievement is surviving the financial crisis in 2008.

How has the industry changed in the last decade ? – I think for all SME’s it has been a turbulent time between covid and government changes and continually biased landlord legislation it has not been easy.

Give us an interesting fact about yourself ? – I am a keen rugby enthusiast though some people may not find that interesting. I played for Scotland at school level but had a head injury scree-running at school and ended up in hospital for a month, I did return to rugby thereafter, but a further knee injury put paid to my professional career.

What is the best piece of business advice you have been given ? – always employ people who are better than you.

What advice would you give your 18 year old self ? – I would tell myself to slow down it’s not a race it’s a marathon.

Who are your hero’s in and out of business ? – Doddie Weir is real inspiration to me he has been so courageous in his fight with MND and the fact he has highlighted this awful illness is fantastic.

What qualities do you most admire in others ? – Selfless caring people who go the extra mile to help to someone.

How do you unwind at work ? – I truly unwind when I play golf or when I am watching rugby.

Favourite Book / CD/DVD – Any easy holiday read / Anything Soul / Funk  / Bond

Where is your favourite place in Scotland ? – I love Dumfries & Galloway and I have a family connection to the area which makes it even more special.

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