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Winter-Proof Your Property With Cairn

Although still quite mild, it’s inevitable that things will turn chillier as the weeks continue to draw in.

And as the weather turns colder there is more potential for damage to be caused to properties, and for tenants and house holders to run up larger than normal energy bills.

To help minimise this we’ve created this blog post with some helpful tips and pointers designed to winter-proof your property and bank account.

Even if you’re not going to be in your property over the festive period, it’s imperative that you read this post; there’s valuable information here for you too.

The following are tried and tested forms of keeping your property safe throughout the cold months and keeping your energy spend to a minimum.


Energy Saving Tips

Some of these tips may seem obvious but they can make a big difference when it comes to reducing your bills.

  • Set your heating to come on just before you get up and switch it off after you’ve gone to bed. If it’s very cold, set your heating to come on earlier and turn off later rather than turning the thermostat up.
  • If you can’t heat all the rooms you use, heat the living room throughout the day and your bedroom just before you got to bed. Remember to close curtains and shut doors to keep heat in the rooms you use most.
  • Turn the thermostat down – the Energy Saving Trust estimates that turning it down by just one degree could reduce heating bills by up to 10%.
  • Use low energy light bulbs. With shorter days and longer nights, it is recommended to use energy efficient light bulbs to reduce electricity costs.
  • Unplug phone chargers, laptops etc. Even if a device is not connected to a charger, if the charger feels warm then it is still using electricity.
  • Wear layers. Putting on extra layers rather than turning up the thermostat could reduce heating bills.
  • Program your thermostat. Consumer advice and review site,, recommends investing in a programmable thermostat to ensure you don’t forget to turn down the heating before leaving the house or going to bed.
  • Invest in draft excluders, you’d be amazed at the difference they can make!
  • Make sure your radiators are not obstructed by the likes of curtains or furniture.


Tips If You Are Planning To Leave Your Property Empty Over Winter

As mentioned earlier, many of you may be spending Christmas elsewhere and leaving your property empty over the festive period. If this is the case for you, please consider these steps before you leave.

  • Leave your heating on for at least an hour a day while you are away from home.
  • In severe weather, or if severe weather is forecast, you should leave your heating on day and night at your usual temperature setting.
  • Make sure you know where the stop cock is, and that it works so that you can turn off the water supply if needed.
  • Consider asking a friend or relative to visit your home every day while you are away. This will mean that, if you do suffer a burst pipe, it will be detected as soon as possible. Make sure that they know where the stop cock is located also.
  • Switch off all electrical appliances. Do not leave TVs or phone chargers switched on standby when not being used. This will reduce your bill.

In addition there can also be issues with condensation.

Condensation can be underestimated and the damage it can cause is almost certainly the most common form of dampness.

It occurs where warm moist air comes into contact with cold air or a surface that is at a lower temperature. When the moist air cools, it is unable to retain the moisture and is released to form condensation in the air or on the surface.

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